2020 Bach Fest Online

The Seattle International Piano Festival (SIPF) is proud to present for the eleventh annual Bach Festival (online edition) for pianists and stringed instrumentalists of any nationality, featuring works by Johann Sebastian Bach. This year’s event will be exclusively online. The event has expanded participation categories for all string players, and categories for Baroque keyboard masters…

2020 Virtuoso Artists Results Posted

Our thanks to our judges, Kelli Stephens, Paula Watt, and Francis Yang, for listening to this year’s participants. We thank all the participants and their teachers especially during these unprecedented times for lovingly preparing their recordings at home. Thanks to our organizers, Maxwell Adkisson and Chelsea Bloomberg, for putting the event together and coordinating with…

Changes to the Virtuoso

Formerly the Virtuoso Festival, the Virtuoso Artists Festival opens its doors to participants of the world. Recently revised, expanded, and deadline extended, this inclusive educational festival aims to inspire youth and adult musicians to create and share their artistry from anywhere in the world – even from his or her living room. In these difficult…

Thank You!

We wish to thank all participants, families, and most of all, teachers, for allowing the Classical Viennese Festival to take place in digital format. Art and music focuses and amplifies the human spirit. There is no better time nor greater need for this expression than now. It breaks down division, binds us together, and lifts…

Classic Fest Under Way

The 2020 Classical Viennese Festival, forced to convert to digital format due to unforeseen circumstances, is now under way. Our adjudicators are now reviewing the participants’ video performances, selecting medalists. View the winners’ page as updates are made throughout the day.

Important Classic Fest Update

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: IMPORTANT UPDATE To Participants, Teachers, and Attendees of the Classical Festival: These are unprecedented times we live in today. Effective immediately Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart, our festival venue, has cancelled all events at their location until further notice. This was based on the counsel of their attorney and King…

Classical Fest March 15

To participants and attendees of the 2020 Classical Viennese Festival: The complete schedule of the day’s events on March 15 is published on the itinerary page. Concerning recent events, we have changed the format of the festival somewhat to keep this a safe and healthy event for all involved. However, it’s important that every participant…

2020 Classical Festival Open

[dropcap style=”default, circle, box”]D[/dropcap]etails and updated rules for the 2020 Classical Viennese Festival are available and applications active for entry. For more details, visit the festival page. Deadline: 11:59 pm, Thursday, February 27, 2020 Festival Date: all day, Sunday, March 15 Location: Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart, in Bellevue, WA 2020 Adjudicators: Dr.…