Seattle Int’l Piano Festival Events

Seattle Int’l Piano Festival Events Sixth Seattle International Piano Competition, October 16-19, 2015 The 2015 Seattle International Piano Festival & Competition approaches. In one week, hear the finalists and winners chosen out of nearly 300 applicants from Australia, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, France, Georgia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Latvia, Netherlands, New…

The SIPF Seeks Hosts

The SIPF Seeks Hosts The SIPF seeks generous and hospitable people — particularly those with a piano — to host one of the many international artists coming to compete in the final round of the Seattle International Piano Competition between October 16 and 19. Those who have hosted before have truly loved the experience and…

Bachfest is Coming!

Bachfest is Coming! Why Bach? Friday, September 18 marks the deadline for the 2015 Bach Festival. There is still time for participants to enter. This marks the sixth year the SIPF has presented this festival for regional pianists and violinists. The music of J. S. Bach represents one of the pinnacle achievements of humankind in art.…

María Manzano in Concert

María Manzano in Concert On Sunday evening, September 27 at 6 pm, immediately following the 2015 Bach Festival, guest pianist, María Manzano (Spain) will perform in a special recital event. A native of Cadiz, Ms. Manzano received her education at the Liceu Conservatory in Barcelona, and the L’École Normale Supérieure de Musique de Paris in…

Preliminary Results of the 2015 SIPC

The preliminary round for the 2015 Seattle International Piano Competition has closed. At this time, the listening committee has made its decision, and we look forward to distributing the results to the many talented participants. As each new edition of the competition turns, the level of musicianship and pianism reaches a new strata. This year’s…

June 30 Deadline

JUNE 30 DEADLINE Just over three weeks remain before the deadline of the 2015 Seattle International Piano Competition. With a closing date of June 30 to enter, participants are required to submit audio for the preliminary round. In July, the audio will be reviewed by a preliminary listening committee. All entries are made anonymous to the…

Virtuoso Festival is A Go

We look forward to the events of the 2015 Virtuoso Festival this Sunday, May 17 from 9:15 AM to 6:15 PM. All participants have been notified of their time slots. For a complete itinerary of the day, click here. We are also pleased to announce our three esteemed adjudicators for the day, Dr. Nicole Narboni,…