2015 Virtuoso Festival

The SIPF is delighted to announce the approach of the next regional festival for musicians of all ages who are residents of Washington and Oregon states. The Virtuoso Festival takes the place of the Romantic Festival that was last held in 2013. In the coming days, we will be posting the complete rules and guidelines.…

2015 Competition Open For Applicants

The 2015 Seattle International Piano Competition is now open to participants for application. Updated rules have been posted and the electronic application form has been added to the site. For more information and the latest updates, please return to our news section. With a deadline of May 15, 2015, the competition is open to all ages. We…

2014 Classical Viennese Festival Results

We congratulate the participants and their teachers of the Classical Viennese Festival that took place last weekend. As organizers, we feel that the selections of the festival’s required works is an important part of the repertoire that is underrepresented in competitive events. We salute the teachers who prepared their students so well and commend them…

2014 Bach Festival Results

We with to thank Oksana Ezhokina, Robert Satterlee, and Regina Yeh for their outstanding service and expert reviews of the many wonderful participants of this year’s event. We would like to also congratulate each of the participants and their teachers for preparing so well and representing the music of this most deserving of composers. Thank…