2025 Virtuoso Artists Festival Application Form

After the application has been submitted, you will receive a confirmation email to the address you supply on the form. Important: some emails are directed to spam folders. Be sure to check in your email account’s bulk mail folders. If you do not find a confirmation email, assume the application submission process was unsuccessful. Click the submit button only once or your credit card will be charged twice. All confirmation notices are usually instant, but may take up to 10 minutes. Normally, a separate receipt email is instantly sent to the applicant’s email. Failure to receive a confirmation is an indication of a technical issue. Write to sipfchelsea@outlook.com with inquiry about whether your application was received.

The application period for the 2025 Virtuoso Artists Festival International will close at 9:00 pm, Tuesday, June 17, 2025. Click the submit button only once.

Only a legal adult, age 18 or more, may complete this form.