Presenting the Winners and Finalists…
Reserve October 8-9 for the reveal of the finalists and winners of the 2022 Seattle International Piano Competition & Festival. Now a free online event, visit the SIPF website to cast your vote for the audience favorite award among the finalists in each of the fully competitive categories.
Visit to audit the experience. Updates are coming, as well as the big reveal of winners and finalists. After jurors score by secret ballot, the medalists will be revealed to the public. Over $18,000 USD in total awards and other non-cash prizes will be distributed among the winners.
Winners: Outstanding Amateurs and Young Juniors
On the morning of October 8, the SIPF presents the winners of its semi-competitive categories, namely Youth, Ages 9 and Under and Outstanding Amateurs. Complete profiles of our randomly ordered winners will be posted along with their winning videos.
However, not all is complete! Until 11:59 PM PDT (UTC-7), Saturday, October 8, online attendees may cast their vote for Audience Favorite.
Final Round: Youth, Ages 10 to 13 and 14 to 18
In the afternoon of October 8, the SIPF presents the first categories of finalists to compete for the gold in this hybrid online event. This page will be updated with randomly ordered finalists of the Youth, Ages 10 to 13 category at 2 pm, PDT (UTC-7). At 4 PM, the SIPF presents its randomly ordered finalists of the Youth, Ages 14 to 18 category.
Online attendees may cast their vote for Audience Favorite in each of these categories until 11:59 PM PDT (UTC-7) Saturday evening.