Important Classical Fest Changes

Important Classical Fest Changes With categories for sonatas of the classical era greats (Haydn, Beethoven, Mozart) among others, the SIPF invites pianists and instrumentalists to compete for medals and decorations by an esteemed panel of adjudicators in this virtual competitive event. Note the newest changes, including the deadline. April Deadline Changes The new deadline for…

Classical Fest Deadline Looms

One week remains as the Classical Fest deadline looms. Participants still have one week to submit their video performances of Beethoven, Mozart, and their contemporaries. The SIPF presents a stunning array of gifted adjudicators for the participants of this year’s festival.

13th Classical Viennese Festival

Deadline March 18 Apply now for the 13th Classical Viennese Festival. This unique online educational festival is open to pianists and instrumentalists of all ages and nationalities. Internationally recognized judges during this edition include Junheng Chen (violin, instrumental), Brian Keng-Lun Hsu (piano), Alina Rosevear (piano), Jeffrey Savage (piano), and Karen Savage. Generously awarded, top prizewinners…

Inviting Applicants ’24 Classical Viennese Festival

Updated rules and guidelines for the 2024 Classical Viennese Festival have been published online. The SIPF invites all pianists and instrumentalists to compete in this year’s festival, awarding medals to its top performers of sonatas, variations, and other important classical era genres. Celebrate the giants of the day, including Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven, as well…

12th Classical Fest

The SIPF is proud to announce the twelfth annual Classical Viennese Festival. With a deadline of March 13, this edition widens eligibility to not only pianists, but all instrumentalists with expanded divisions of participation and more narrow age brackets for youth. Collegiate, Professional, and amateur adult artists are also invited to participate. The 2023 Classical…

Classical Viennese Fest Award List

The Seattle International Piano Competition is proud to present the winners of the 2022 Classical Viennese Festival (online edition). After many days of deliberating, the jurors came to a final decision regarding this year’s many participants. We thank you for your participation, and we are grateful for the expertise and energy of our jurors, Dr.…

Revised Deadline Classical Viennese Fest

Due to requests from teachers and colleagues, the revised deadline for the Classical Viennese Festival has been published. Participants have two more days to prepare their recordings for submission. Although this deadline has been extended, the original deadline (March 27) still marks the dividing line for age category determination. For example, those turning age 10…

Announcing Classical Winners 2021

Congratulations The SIPF congratulates each and every performer who put forth their hard work, passion, and dedication, often re-recording their selections a dozen times or more to present the best of themselves. Behind every great performance, not only is there a dedicated pupil or aspiring artist, there is a family to provide the support, and…

Classical Fest Is Live

The SIPF is proud to present the ninth annual Classical Viennese Festival ONLINE EDITION. In advance of the results, we commend every participant for persevering to create a quality video. Our thanks also for the abundant support of their families and especially their teachers, without which the heights of excellence would be unattainable. We wish…

Classic Fest Deadline – 2 Days

The deadline for the online Classical Viennese Festival approaches. There are yet two more days to complete an application by the 11:59 pm, Sunday, March 14 deadline. Video links can be submitted until the end. As last-minute entries are prepared for submission, a few common mistakes can forfeit eligibility: Complete Entries. Entries that are incomplete…